- We will be honest and fair with our clients by giving our best effort in finishing projects within the agreed time and budget.
- We will protect the interests of our clients and will disclose confidential information.
- We will deal with competition honestly and professionally and never resort to spreading scandalous, libelous and malicious information against others.
- We will ensure that the designs published are not misleading to potential customers.
- We will not distribute, use nor collect unlicensed or pirated software in our projects.
- We will protect internet users against copyright violations, intellectual property theft and plagiarism to the best of our abilities.
- We will neither make use of any spyware nor inject codes within websites for our own interests.
- We will stay away from looping or using codes to disable the “Back” button and trap the visitors to view a page they do not desire.
- We will not use techniques such as “Web Rings”, and “Black Hat” to optimize search engine popularity.
- We will not use pop-up windows and technologies that insert or expose private data for advertising.
- We will code in the simplest way possible.
- We will not participate, link to, or even provide our services to sites that promote, develop and showcase pornography, exploitation of women, children, racial and ethnic minorities, violence, hate groups and terrorist organizations.
- We will design while putting in mind the easiness and speed of user experience.
- We will not participate in website redirecting to pages users don’t expect.
- We will not destroy a competitor’s website.